This page contains some music I liked and played... hope you can enjoy listening
Recordings are divided into two main groups, 1. those realized recently (in 2020) during a lockdown period and 2. those realized in my younghood (digitalized in more recent times) . Of course, we are talking about performances of a dilettante (non-professional) intended for relatives and friends. However, they contain different and also original pieces
that may be appreciated.
Recent recordings (2020-)
During the prolonged and sad lockdown period due to the pandemic Covid19 crisis, I had
enough spare and lonesome time for practicing again some classical music for guitar in
my new home in the italian countryside (Castelraimondo) after that my previous one
(Camerino) was practically destroyed by the earthquake series stroking central Italy in
2016. My basic repertoir during this time included pieces like Giochi Proibiti
(Jeux Interdits, arr. N. Yepes), Etude n. 1 (H. Villa-Lobos), Bourree (J. S. Bach),
El Vito (J. De Azpiazu), Farewell (S. Assad), Etude n. 11 (H. Villa-Lobos),
Prelude n. 1 (H. Villa-Lobos), Valse Venezolano n. 1 (A. Lauro), Gavotta (A. Scarlatti),
Sons de Carrilhoes (arr. M. Abloniz). All of these pieces was very popular in the
70s and 80s and were already among those I played (tried to play) in my younghood,
with the exception of Farewell that I added to the repertoir only in 2020.
Of course, there were incredible improvements in live recordings in the last 30 years
(not on my guitar playing skills) and the new takes were done directly using digital
recordings with basic equipments. For the takes collected here, I used a couple of
low-cost microphones with a basic Behringer Xenix mixer, providing already an USB digital
output. The audio stereo output was recorded using the free audacity software, and in
several cases live videos were also realized (Cheese software). The audio tracks were exported to
mp3 and wav (24 bit) formats. Final videos were realized by mixing stereo audio tracks and
video streams (ffmpeg scripts were used for this purpose), detailed information about those
pieces and recordings is included in the video.
Classical guitar (solo) Giochi Proibiti - arrangiamento di N. Yepes
Bourree, dalla suite in Mi minore BWV 996 - J. S. Bach Video (mp4), Listen (mp3), Listen (wav)
Guitar: A. Di Cicco El Vito, danza popolare andalusa - J. De Azpiazu
Video (mp4), Listen (mp3), Listen (wav) Guitar: A. Di Cicco
Studio n. 1 (12 studi)- H. Villa-Lobos
Preludio n. 1 in Mi minore- H. Villa-Lobos
Gavotta- M. Ponce/A. Scarlatti
Sons de Carrillohes J. Pernambuco
Early recordings (1979-1992)
Classical guitar (duo)
Fabulae (ut fabulae ferunt) - M. Gangi
Video (mp4),Listen (mp3) Listen (wav) Guitars: A. Di Cicco (Right) F. Mercuri (Left)
This piece by M. Gangi for 2 guitars was played by Fulvio and me for some months, then recorded on 12 February 1987 using a Marantz HiFi VHS stereo recorder (and a stereo cassette deck Sony TC-FX5C) using 2 electret condenser AKAI ACM-80 microphones). We played in public in Rome one time in late eighties (don't remember when and where exactly, but was the student concert of the year of master F. Taranto, who has been teaching me guitar for about 5 years, or more).
Classical guitar (solo)
Estudios Sencillos (Etude Simples) I-II-III-IV-V-VI, - Leo Brouwer
I was playing these nice pieces while studying classical guitars (under the guidance of F. Taranto) for years (since around 1980 I believe) before I recorded them in 1992 using 1 Maruni and 1 Akai ACM-80 microphone and a Sony TC-FX5C (dolby C) audiocassette stereo recorder.
Six lute pieces of the Renaissance - by various authors (edited by A. Neidle, transcription for guitar solo by O. Chilesotti)
Listen mp3s ( (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ) Listen wavs ( (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ) Guitar: A. Di Cicco
I was playing these pieces of the Italian Renaissance since the beginning of my studies of classical guitars (under the guidance of F. Taranto) for many years (since around 1977 I believe) before I recorded them in 1992 using 1 Maruni and 1 Akai ACM-80 microphone and a Sony TC-FX5C (dolby C) audiocassette stereo recorder.
Theatre music (original)
I. L'Uomo dal fiore in bocca II. La Patente - A. Di Cicco
Listen mp3s ( L'uomo dal fiore in Bocca (inizio) L'uomo dal fiore in Bocca (ritorno) La patente (inizio) La patente (ritorno) ) Listen wavs ( L'uomo dal fiore in Bocca (inizio) L'uomo dal fiore in Bocca (ritorno) La patente (inizio) La patente (ritorno) ) Guitar (R): A. Di Cicco, Guitar (L): F. Donini, Scacciapensieri (La Patente): U. Berardi
A theatre company (GNT, Gruppo Nuovo Teatro) was assembled by Duccio Camerini as early as 1978, and a first performance took place in Roma in 1979 with two classics by Pirandello (L'Uomo dal Fiore in Bocca e La Patente). The company was formed by teenagers (see the original documents for further infos) and I was involved in preparing some music for the two pieces, with the help of F. Donini. This very simple music was played in the form of a guitar duo, in some cases accompanied by some scene sounds. The tune "L'uomo dal fiore in bocca" was characterized by a tremolo melodic line (A. Di Cicco) accompanied by an arpeggio background (F. Donini) in various ways. The tunes for "La Patente" resembles a Sicilian melody, again with a clear melodic line played by the first guitar and accompanying chords. The Sicilian character of the melody is clearly recognized by the use of the Scacciapensieri (a kind of Jew's harp typical of south Italy/Sicily) by Ugo Berardi. The recording sessions took place in 1979 at home using 2 JVC microphones and a JVC stereo cassette recorder on CrO2 tapes (Dolby noise reduction).
O'Ciclope - F. Donini, A. Di Cicco
Listen mp3s ( O'Ciclope (inizio) O'Ciclope (ritorno) ) Listen wavs ( O'Ciclope (inizio) O'Ciclope (ritorno) ) Guitar (R): A. Di Cicco, Guitar (L): F. Donini, Voce: D. Camerini
This music was conceived for the second show prepared by the GNT theatre company (GNT, Gruppo Nuovo Teatro) in 1980. The show was based on the Euripides satyr play "Cyclops", first rearranged by L. Pirandello in 1918 in sicilian (agrigentum) dialect (U' Ciclopu) and then translated in verses by C. Sbarbaro (1960). The O'Ciclope play was performed in Roma in 1980 several times, and the company was formed again by very young performers and teenagers, mostly the same of the previous year (see the original documents for further infos). The music was mainly composed and arranged by F. Donini and A. Di Cicco in order to obtain a faithful sicilian-like melody, again in form of a guitar duo. Lyrics were taken, as I remember, from traditional sicilian poems/songs and Duccio Camerini (actor and leader of the company) was the solo voice of the song. The tone of the voice was chosen by D. Camerini for the show purposes. The recording sessions took place in 1980 at home using 2 JVC microphones and a JVC stereo cassette recorder on CrO2 tapes (Dolby noise reduction).
Original music (classical guitar, solo)
Attimi con te (spartito) Original score .
This simple tune was originally conceived in 1978 and later coded in a definite
version in March 1979. The tune (Attimi con Te) was dedicated to the first fiancee (L.D.M.) at the time of their brief relationship. The melody and general mood
of this piece recall the atmosphere of that period.
A satisfactory rehearsal session and recording is still to be done.